How to Sleep After Surgical Breast Augmentation

Posted by on Jan 22, 2016 in Breast Surgery, Plastic Surgery | Comments Off on How to Sleep After Surgical Breast Augmentation

How to Sleep After Surgical Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most common types of cosmetic surgical procedures performed in the United States. Each year, thousands of patients undergo this procedure for either functional and/or aesthetic purposes. It’s often performed to enhance a woman’s self-image by creating the appearance of firm, even breasts.

But many women worry that surgical breast augmentation will prevent them from sleeping at night. They assume the pain and discomfort will keep them up at night. Since the incision is made on the breast, they won’t be able to sleep on their stomach or side. The good news is that you can still sleep at night, although there are a few things you should know.

While it’s recommended that you consult with Dr. Sherbert for post-op advice on how to sleep, most surgeons recommend sleeping on your back for the first 3-6 weeks. It’s important that patients follow this advice, as sleeping on your side may result in deformation of the implants as well as additional scarring.

Those first few weeks after the breast augmentation surgery are critical, as your body will be repairing and healing the damaged tissue surrounding the implants. Sleeping on your side may seem harmless enough, but it can result in drooping and inconsistencies between your breasts. Gravity will pull the implants down, pushing them through the already damaged tissue. Sleeping on your stomach is equally as bad, as the implants are essentially being squished. This is why most cosmetic plastic surgeons advise their patients to sleep on their back for at least the first few weeks.

Breast Augmentation SleepingIn addition to sleeping on your side, you can also promote a fast and healthy recovery by wearing a supportive bra when you sleep. Doing so will help secure your breasts in place, preventing them from moving throughout the night. Subsequently, tissue will be able to heal faster, allowing you to sleep just a little more soundly at night.

It’s a common myth that you won’t be able to sleep after undergoing surgical breast augmentation. Assuming you follow Dr. Sherbert’s post-op advice, however, you can still get plenty of shut eye. Just remember to sleep on your back – for the duration recommended by Dr. Sherbert – and wear a bra for additional support. Following these otherwise simple tips will go a long ways in enhancing the quality of your sleep while promoting a speedy recovery.