Tummy Tuck

Is a Tummy Tuck Right For You?

Posted by on Dec 21, 2017 in Tummy Tuck | Comments Off on Is a Tummy Tuck Right For You?

Are you ready for a tummy tuck? A tummy tuck can help you lose excess loose skin, and it is often done after a pregnancy to restore a new mother’s abdomen back to normal. If you have been pregnant quite a while ago and your abdomen still hasn’t been restored to the way you want it to look, consider getting a tummy tuck. The first thing to know is that getting a tummy tuck is not some weight loss program. In fact, you should be close to your optimal weight if you want to get a tummy tuck and not be overweight. Tummy tucks are designed to correct weak abdominal muscles and loose skin on your stomach. Your muscles may get weakened and loose after a pregnancy. Men can get tummy tucks as well. Your abdominal muscles and skin can also get loose after you have lost a lot of weight, which is why men who were once obese may opt to get a tummy tuck when they become thinner. If you are planning to have another child and get pregnant again, you may want to consider pushing off your tummy tuck until after the pregnancy. This is because another pregnancy can cause the same problems that you are trying to correct. However, a tummy tuck will not cause any health problems if you do get pregnant again. You should be in good health before getting a tummy tuck, as you’ll need to go under anesthesia. You’ll also need some time to recover, and you’ll need to stay fit and healthy after getting the tummy tuck. Contact us for more information on how to get...

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The Most Important Tummy Tuck Benefit Post-Pregnancy

Posted by on Nov 9, 2017 in Plastic Surgery, Tummy Tuck | Comments Off on The Most Important Tummy Tuck Benefit Post-Pregnancy

For many women who recently had a child, they often seek out plastic surgery in the form of a tummy tuck in order to get their pre-pregnancy stomach back. However, a tummy tuck post-pregnancy doesn’t just make you look great, it can actually have a crucial medical benefit to your mid-section. Although you are bringing a new life into the world, pregnancy can be hard on the body. Primarily it wrecks havoc on your rectus abdominis muscles, otherwise known as your “six-pack.” In order to make room for your growing fetus, the abdominal muscles that were running up and down right alongside each other need to spread. They stretch on a fibrous seam in between them to varying degrees and stay that way until the pregnancy ends. For women with long torsos and who put on very little weight during a pregnancy, the results of this stretch are less dramatic. However, for women with shorter torsos, the stretch of the seam can be dramatic, and the worst part is that it can stay that way. Unfortunately for these women, no amount of sit-ups will help these muscles move back into place. The only options are to wait a long period of time for them to re-tighten or speed up the process with a tummy tuck. While this may still seem purely cosmetic, what many forget is that for muscles to function properly, they need to be in the correct position. When abdominal muscles are spread in such a way, it can undermine your core strength. When the abdominal muscles are separated, you may have side effects including: Loss of core strength Lower energy levels Less endurance for workouts Lower back pain During tummy tuck procedures, your abdominal muscles are rounded up and put back into proper place. This not only makes your stomach look flatter and more firm, but it will often result in a better quality of life. If nothing else, consider the benefit of having more energy and better core strength and endurance. Wouldn’t all of those benefits really help you with an infant around the house? If you have given birth recently or even a few years ago and wish your mid-section looked the way it used to, contact us today. Many believe cosmetic surgery is just purely for aesthetics, but it can not only help you feel more confident, but it can help your body function better in many...

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What Is Liposuction Revision Surgery?

Posted by on Sep 28, 2017 in Body Contouring, Body Image, Liposuction, Plastic Surgery, Tummy Tuck | Comments Off on What Is Liposuction Revision Surgery?

There are those times when a liposuction procedure returns irregularities or an undesirable outcome, requiring a correction. In the vast majority of instances, liposuction revision surgery must wait for at least six months. Additionally, these corrective surgeries tend to be a bit more challenging that the typical liposuction because of the additional skill required to perfect the contouring. Regardless, the most common reasons for seeking a liposuction revision is because the original surgery either removed too much or too little fat. As with all other forms of cosmetic surgery, liposuction depends greatly on the skill and experience of the surgeon. Nevertheless, the actual revision surgery will depend on whether or not the correction needed is superficial or deep. Many times, if the deformity is from a deeper fatty layer, the correction is fixable with just liposuction or fat grafting, depending on the particular circumstances. But, with superficial damage, a skin tightening procedure must sometimes be part of the corrective plan. All that said, the actual cause of the post-operative contour problem must be identified before any action can be taken. Liposuction is not a cure-all for weight gain. So, people can become overweight after the procedure. A surgeon must identify whether the issue is a true incomplete liposuction or if the cause is post-operative weight gain. While liposuction will decrease the concentration of fat cells in a specific area, making it more difficult to gain in those locations, the remaining cells can grow and become a problem again. Do you still have questions? What haven’t we covered yet that is important to you? If you would like to talk about liposuction revision surgery, or a related topic, please contact...

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