4 Health Benefits of Getting an Abdominoplasty

Posted by on Nov 30, 2017 in Abdominoplasty | Comments Off on 4 Health Benefits of Getting an Abdominoplasty

Getting a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is common after pregnancy or losing a lot of weight. It helps fix loose skin and abdominal muscles. However, tummy tucks have more than just cosmetic benefits. Here are some other health benefits.

Less Stress Urinary Incontinence

Stress Urinary Incontinence, or SUI, is commonly found in women who have gone through vaginal birth. It’s a bladder control problem that can cause the bladder to empty itself during coughing, sneezing, exercising, or even laughing. SUI is treated without surgery. However, studies have shown that a tummy tuck can provide additional aid in reducing SUI, especially in women who have not had a cesarean section.

Better Posture

Weakened abdominal muscles can lead to lordosis, also called sway back. It can include slight back pain. A tummy tuck will strengthen your abdominal muscles, which will support your spine and help you obtain a better posture.

Hernia Relief

Ventral hernias occur when hernia tissue breaks through weak abdominal muscles. To heal these hernias, the muscles need to be strengthened and tightened. This is very similar to abdominoplasty, and the two procedures are often done together.

Easier to Stay Fit

An abdominoplasty can help you exercise and stay fit. Stronger abs and abdominal muscles can make exercising easier. A weak, drooping, and heavy abdomen can impede on your ability to exercise. Although tummy tucks are not designed as a weight loss procedure, some studies have shown that combining a tummy tuck with such a procedure can help you keep the weight off.

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