7 Signs It Is Time for Blepharoplasty on Your Eyes

Posted by on Apr 27, 2017 in Blepharoplasty | Comments Off on 7 Signs It Is Time for Blepharoplasty on Your Eyes

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid reconstruction, is one of those “less famous” surgical procedures, but it is something that can dramatically improve the look of an aging face. Our eyes are often what people notice first about us, but unfortunately, it is also where we start to show signs of aging first. However, do you need to run off and get surgery for the first fine line around the eyes? Probably not. However, there are some signs that it might be time to consider talking to your plastic surgeon about your blepharoplasty options.

You have Permanent Under-Eye Bags

If you stayed up until three in the morning enjoying a glass of wine and a Netflix subscription, you can expect a few dark circles and bags under your eyes in the morning. However, if you are regularly getting a full night’s rest and those bags just aren’t going away, you may want to seek treatment.

Your Eyelids are Drooping

When it first starts, upper eyelid droop is a minor annoyance. Sometimes it can be patched up with the right eye cream. However, once eyelid drooping starts, it doesn’t stop. Things just get lower and lower. By firming that skin back up, it can make you look more alert, interested, and youthful.

Applying Makeup Evenly is More Difficult

Often blepharoplasty is considered when, visually, your eyelids get so wrinkled you can’t stand to look at them anymore. However, one of the downsides of aging is that applying makeup in the eye areas evenly and having it stay even is an absolute chore. By firming up your eye area, you will not only look more youthful, but you will finally be able to apply makeup again to give you that flawless beauty.

Your Eyes Appear Puffy

Like dark circles, a little puffiness can be expected after a long night or an early morning. However, it typically goes away as you get into your day. If it doesn’t go away, it can be an early sign of oncoming aging.

You Look Permanently Tired, Angry, or Sad

Everyone ages a little differently. Some end up looking set in one emotion on their face as time goes on. While this can be exacerbated by smile lines and other wrinkles lower in the face, it often starts with the eyes. They way they droop can make you look tired, sad, or even permanently angry. By having eyelid reconstruction, it can help you look friendly an approachable again.

Your Vision is Impaired

This is one of the most dramatic signs you might want to consider eyelid reconstruction. Even if you aren’t doing it to look younger, as you age, your eyelids can droop so much that your field of view can be impaired by them. Not all plastic surgery is about looking young, sometimes it is about your own safety.

You Think You Look Old

If you get up in the morning and just lament on how old you look, it might be time for a change. Eyelid repair and other plastic surgery procedures can make your look and feel years younger. They make it so you can wake up and be happy to look in the mirror again as well as to go out in the world with the same confidence you once felt. If you want more information on blepharoplasty or other rejuvenation options, contact the West Maple Plastic Surgery today.