Abdominoplasty Can Provide the Ultimate Mommy Makeover

Posted by on Jan 19, 2017 in Abdominoplasty | Comments Off on Abdominoplasty Can Provide the Ultimate Mommy Makeover

Becoming a mom can be extremely rewarding. After nine months of pregnancy, you’re rewarded with a little bundle of joy. Unfortunately, you may also be rewarded with a pooch that doesn’t go away. The good news is that abdominoplasty can give you the mommy makeover you have been searching for.

Why Your Skin Doesn’t Cooperate

You have been stretched to the limit as a little person grew inside of you. Although the collagen of the skin is resilient, it’s not perfect. The skin doesn’t always “snap back” the way it should. This is when you end up with a flap of skin or “pooch.”

Even if you go to the gym to try to work off all of the weight, the extra skin may remain. This is because it doesn’t have the elasticity that it once did. Often, the only way to get rid of it is to consider a surgical option.

How Abdominoplasty Can Help

Abdominoplasty has become a very simple procedure. It’s done as an outpatient, so you won’t have to stay overnight in a hospital. The recovery time is short, too, so you can be back to work in no time at all. The excess fat and skin are removed. Depending upon what is going on, it may also involve restoring muscles that have weakened or separated. This leads to a smoother and flatter appearance.

You’ve worked hard to become a mom and now you should look to reward yourself with an enhanced appearance. Learn more about abdominoplasty by contacting us today.