Actions to Take Before Having a Tummy Tuck

Posted by on Aug 17, 2017 in Liposuction, Tummy Tuck | Comments Off on Actions to Take Before Having a Tummy Tuck

Proper preparation before your abdominoplasty surgery can help you have a speedy recovery. There are a few specific things those having a tummy tuck need to take care of in advance. The following is an overview of how to get ready.

1. Provide your medical team with your comprehensive medical history and a list of medications and supplements you currently take. You will need to stop taking hormones (like those common in many birth control methods), supplements such as fish oil and any blood thinning medications including aspirin. You should also cease using tobacco before you have the surgery.

2. You might have your blood taken during your pre-operative visit depending. The doctor will let you know if you need to fast the night before. Inform your physician if you have had problems with any other surgery and if you have ever experienced blood clots. Take the time to ask any questions you have regarding the procedure and recovery. Complete and sign all paperwork for your doctor and insurance carrier.

3. Prepare in advance for your recovery period. Acquire an antibacterial cleanser, cold packs and gauze bandaging. Put a pail or bucket beside your bed in case you become nauseated. Consider what you want to have on hand to entertain yourself while you convalesce. Television, books, puzzles and a laptop will all keep you busy. Arrange for someone to drive you home after your surgery. You might also need a friend or family member to spend a few days looking after you.

Help calm any nerves before your tummy tuck by readying yourself for it. Talk with your doctor, follow his recommendations and ready your home for your recovery. Contact us for additional information regarding adominoplasty and other common cosmetic procedures.