Body Contouring

Is the a Different Between Surgical and Non-Surgical Brow Lifts?

Posted by on Jul 27, 2017 in Body Contouring, Body Image | Comments Off on Is the a Different Between Surgical and Non-Surgical Brow Lifts?

As they say, life weighs heavy on our face. Over time due to aging, environmental effects, and even through our lifestyle, the effects of living can show in a variety of ways on our forehead, but these creases don’t need to stick around. They are easy to erase with a simple brow lift. No matter whether it is simple wrinkles, permanently furrowed eyebrows, drooping in the eyelids, or the loss of a brow’s beautiful natural arch, a skilled plastic surgeon can take years off your forehead with a lift. However, there are two techniques you need to choose depending on the severity of your aging – surgical or non-surgical – and you need to be sure to choose the one right for you. Non-Surgical Brow Lifts If you wake up one morning and find that your wrinkles are starting to stick around on your forehead all day long, typically you will want to consider a non-surgical brow lift. This less invasive procedure is a quick cure for slight signs of aging like minor lines, wrinkles, and folds in the eye brow and forehead area. Through small injections of Botox and other treatments, plastic surgeons can smooth those lines right out. However, the major pitfall of non-surgical options is that the results aren’t permanent. Surgical Brow Lifts If you have moderate to severe signs of aging in the brow and forehead area or want more permanent results, the surgical correction of those pesky wrinkles is a viable option. Patients have their concerns addressed after they are put under general anesthesia where plastic surgeons can employ the traditional open technique via small incisions or the less invasive endoscopic method. While both methods involve incisions, a skilled plastic surgeon will assure that they heal flawlessly with no visible scarring. The major benefit of this method is that once it is done, you will have a long-lasting smooth brow. Ultimately, which type of brow lift procedure is right for you is up to how long you want the results to last and how severe your aging is. Often people will choose non-surgical lifts until they have aged to such a point where the non-surgical option will no longer erase all signs of aging. Yet, each person is different, and this is a decision best discussed with your plastic surgeon. If you want to go over your options, contact West Maple Plastic Surgery...

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Mommy Makeovers – Reclaiming Your Pre-Pregnancy Body

Posted by on Apr 6, 2017 in Abdominoplasty, Body Contouring, Body Image, Breast Surgery, Liposuction | Comments Off on Mommy Makeovers – Reclaiming Your Pre-Pregnancy Body

Motherhood is a joy, but that joy does come with some sacrifices. One of the first sacrifices of parenthood is that tight body that you spent hours cultivating in the gym. Both pregnancy and breastfeeding wear heavily on the body, but that doesn’t mean your body needs to stay that way. Even if you put the time into re-firming that body in the gym, not all problems will be fixed. However, a mommy makeover at your local plastic surgeon might be just the key to decisively getting back into pre-pregnancy shape. What is a “Mommy Makeover”? A mommy makeover isn’t just one procedure, but rather is a small handful of different procedures that address all the areas that were ravaged during your pregnancy. These procedures can be done in quick succession or can be spread out to fit you schedule and needs. So what procedures go into the overall mommy makeover? Breast Lift After having their last child, many women often choose to empower themselves with breast augmentation surgery. However, if you still want to breastfeed in the future or don’t want your breast augmented, they can still benefit from breast lift surgery. Even after just breastfeeding one child you will notice that your breasts have started to take on that sagging, lifeless look of older mothers. However, having a breast lift can rejuvenate your chest by making the nipples more perky, lifting the breasts to a more firm position, and generally giving them a more youthful look. Tummy Tuck Your newborn needed a lot of room to grow over the nine months it was in your body, and while a select few lucky women have their body slim back to normal after giving birth, almost all women will be left with undesirable remainders. This commonly includes an abdomen paunch, sagging skin, excess fat, and weak abdomen muscles. By having a tummy tuck, all those issues are fixed. By making an incision just above the pubic area, the abdominal muscles are flattened, sutured together for more strength, and excess fat and skin are removed. Your tummy is then adjusted to your natural contours that you had before pregnancy. Liposuction While a tummy tuck can solve your post-pregnancy paunch in the abdomen area, pregnancy weight gain isn’t limited to your belly. Often mothers will gain weight throughout their body during pregnancy and from the stress after pregnancy that ends up sticking around. If you have excess weight in your arms, legs, butt, or even in your face, some light liposuction could be the key to firming your entire body back up. If you have recently given birth and want your body back to the state that it was pre-baby, any experienced plastic surgeon can lend you a hand. For more information on the procedures that go into a mommy makeover and consultation on which would be right for you, contact the West Maple Plastic...

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Post-Weight Loss Body Contouring Procedures That Will Make You Feel Great About Your Body!

Posted by on May 13, 2016 in Body Contouring, Plastic Surgery | Comments Off on Post-Weight Loss Body Contouring Procedures That Will Make You Feel Great About Your Body!

Post-Weight Loss Body Contouring Procedures That Will Make You Feel Great About Your Body!

Have you recently lost a significant amount of weight? Well, let me first congratulate you on your success. Losing weight is no easy feat, but it’s an important step towards living a longer, healthier and more fulfilling life. Now that you’ve lost the weight, though, you might be wondering how to get rid of the excess skin. One of the byproducts of significant and/or sudden weight loss is excess skin. This typically doesn’t a pose a risk to the individual’s health, but it can hurt their self-esteem/image. Being that it’s elastic, skin is able to stretch as you grow and gain weight. When you lose weight, however, it remains the size, resulting in excess skin accumulated around the midsection, arms, legs, buttocks and other areas.   What is Body Contouring? The good news is that body contouring can be used to eliminate excess skin after weight loss. Body contouring refers to any procedure or procedures that are intended to eliminate excess skin and fat. According to the American Society of Bariatric Surgery (ASBS), approximately 177,000 stomach-related body contouring procedures were performed.   Exercise and Dieting Both exercise and dieting can be used to lose weight, but unfortunately these traditional techniques do not target excess skin. Even if you’ve achieved your target weight goal, you may still have unwanted skin in various parts of your body. Body contouring, however, can be used to reduce or even eliminate this excess skin, giving the body that you have always dreamed of.   Body Contouring Procedure So, what types of procedures are using in body contouring? Among the most common is tummy tuck (abdominoplasty). When skin hangs down from the stomach, it can lead to redness, itching and irritation. The excess skin creates a flap under which moisture accumulates, promoting irritation. A certified cosmetic plastic surgeon can remove this excess skin via a tummy tuck. Tummy tucks involve making an incision across the lower abdomen, removing excess skin, and stretching the remaining skin so it no longer hangs.   There are other cosmetic surgical procedures used in body contouring, as well, including breast lifts. Also known as mastopexy, breast lifts involve trimming away excess tissue from the upper portion of the breasts. Once removed, the surgeon can reposition the breasts so appear firm and more upright. It’s a relatively simple procedure that many women seek after significant weight loss.   Other body contouring procedures may include arm lifts, lower body lifts, low-level laser therapy, radio frequency focused ultrsound, and lipsuction.   Contact Dr. Sherbert today to discuss body contouring after your weight...

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