Body Image

Is the a Different Between Surgical and Non-Surgical Brow Lifts?

Posted by on Jul 27, 2017 in Body Contouring, Body Image | Comments Off on Is the a Different Between Surgical and Non-Surgical Brow Lifts?

As they say, life weighs heavy on our face. Over time due to aging, environmental effects, and even through our lifestyle, the effects of living can show in a variety of ways on our forehead, but these creases don’t need to stick around. They are easy to erase with a simple brow lift. No matter whether it is simple wrinkles, permanently furrowed eyebrows, drooping in the eyelids, or the loss of a brow’s beautiful natural arch, a skilled plastic surgeon can take years off your forehead with a lift. However, there are two techniques you need to choose depending on the severity of your aging – surgical or non-surgical – and you need to be sure to choose the one right for you. Non-Surgical Brow Lifts If you wake up one morning and find that your wrinkles are starting to stick around on your forehead all day long, typically you will want to consider a non-surgical brow lift. This less invasive procedure is a quick cure for slight signs of aging like minor lines, wrinkles, and folds in the eye brow and forehead area. Through small injections of Botox and other treatments, plastic surgeons can smooth those lines right out. However, the major pitfall of non-surgical options is that the results aren’t permanent. Surgical Brow Lifts If you have moderate to severe signs of aging in the brow and forehead area or want more permanent results, the surgical correction of those pesky wrinkles is a viable option. Patients have their concerns addressed after they are put under general anesthesia where plastic surgeons can employ the traditional open technique via small incisions or the less invasive endoscopic method. While both methods involve incisions, a skilled plastic surgeon will assure that they heal flawlessly with no visible scarring. The major benefit of this method is that once it is done, you will have a long-lasting smooth brow. Ultimately, which type of brow lift procedure is right for you is up to how long you want the results to last and how severe your aging is. Often people will choose non-surgical lifts until they have aged to such a point where the non-surgical option will no longer erase all signs of aging. Yet, each person is different, and this is a decision best discussed with your plastic surgeon. If you want to go over your options, contact West Maple Plastic Surgery...

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How Having a Positive Body Image Can Affect Your Life

Posted by on Jul 20, 2017 in Body Image | Comments Off on How Having a Positive Body Image Can Affect Your Life

If you are someone who has always felt a little self-conscious about your appearance, you might not be able to even imagine ever having a positive body image. However, making changes — such as working out, eating right and looking into your plastic surgery options — can help you finally feel good about the way that you look. These are a few ways that having this positive body image can positively affect your life. Improve Your Professional Life You might not think that your appearance has very much to do with your job, but if you feel self-conscious, you might behave differently than you would if you felt good about your appearance. Having more confidence can help you speak up and improve the way that you communicate in a professional setting. Feel Better in Social Situations If you ever feel bad about how you look when you’re at a party or gathered with friends, you probably know how much of an impact it can have on how much fun you have. A positive body image can help you enjoy social situations more than ever. Stop Avoiding Pictures If you’re the opposite of someone who is always taking selfies and if you’re always avoiding the camera, it might have something to do with your appearance. Making changes and feeling more confident can help you finally stop avoiding the camera. Improve Your Love Life Whether you are single, married or somewhere in-between, having a positive body image can positively affect your love life. If you’re single, you might find that you have more confidence to approach potential love interests, and if you’re dating or married, you might find that you’re more confident and that you will allow yourself to have a great time when you’re with your significant other. As you can see, having a positive body image can make a huge difference in your life. If you’d like a little bit of help in changing your appearance so that you can feel good about yourself, contact us at West Maple Plastic Surgery to find out more about how we can...

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Realistic Expectations Ends in Natural-Looking, Body-Positive Results

Posted by on May 12, 2017 in Body Image, Plastic Surgery | Comments Off on Realistic Expectations Ends in Natural-Looking, Body-Positive Results

It wasn’t so long ago that most people thought plastic surgery was a practice of sheer vanity. It is still deeply ingrained in some minds today that plastic surgery is for the endlessly vain and people who are trying to give the slip to death by looking young. However, while some seek to drastically reverse aging, most people who get plastic surgery get only small procedures done and they get them done for their own happiness. What plastic surgery really does is give empowerment to those who go about it expecting realistic results. You can reverse 50 years of wrinkles with it, but it won’t look natural and you won’t feel good doing it. However, if you go in for a little Botox to sooth the forehead lines that no longer go away or to tuck in that paunch that won’t leave after giving birth, it is these small procedures that can give you back the confidence to take on the world again like you used to. When you consider plastic surgery for realistic improvements, often no one will even guess you had work done. Of course, even if you do decide to go drastic, your body is yours and yours alone. Not a single person can tell you what you can or can’t do with it. If you want bigger breasts because they will make you feel beautiful and not just because someone else thinks they will look good, then get them. Plastic surgery should be about making you feel good and not making others feel good about you. If you want to learn more about plastic surgery and option available to you, contact us...

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