Plastic Surgery

Tips to Reduce Swelling and Bruising After Face Lifts

Posted by on Oct 19, 2017 in Facial Surgery, Plastic Surgery | Comments Off on Tips to Reduce Swelling and Bruising After Face Lifts

In the first few days after surgery on the face, bruises are typically dark black, blue, and purple. They normally turn to variations of light brown, green, or yellow towards the end of the first week. Bruising fades more each day and should be gone completely two weeks after a face lift. Swelling is also at its worst in the first few days. By the two-week mark, it should be at least 75 percent less than it was on day one. For most patients, swelling is 90 percent gone by six weeks and the remaining swelling continues to subside over the next few months. Steps to Reduce Recovery Time After Face Lifts Your doctor at West Maple Plastic Surgery will provide a list of recommended pharmacy supplies for surgery healing. Examples include gauze, medical tape, prescription medication, ibuprofen, and a compression garment. Patients should place everything within easy reach for the first few days so they don’t have to exert themselves any more than necessary. For the fastest reduction of bruising and swelling, facelift patients should plan to follow these tips: Apply an ice pack or cold compress to any area of the face that feels tender. Elevate the head while sleeping for at least the first two or three days after surgery. It may be easier to sleep in a reclining chair than a flat bed. Be certain to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoiding soda and other dehydrating beverages. Give up smoking or refrain from it several weeks prior to and after the face lift surgery. Smoking can slow wound healing and leave patients more prone to infections and other complications. Avoid overexertion for at least the first few weeks after surgery. Trying to do too much too soon delays healing and can make bruising and swelling worse. Blood thinning medication isn’t always safe to take after any type of surgery. Patients should disclose both prescription and non-prescription medications they take to their doctor. Be Sure to Keep Follow-Up Appointments Another important aspect of post-surgical healing is frequent check-ins for about the first six months. These will lessen in time, so making the commitment is necessary to ensure the best possible outcome. Please contact us with additional concerns or to schedule an...

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Millennial Males Are Getting Plastic Surgeries More Than Ever, New Survey Finds

Posted by on Oct 12, 2017 in Plastic Surgery | Comments Off on Millennial Males Are Getting Plastic Surgeries More Than Ever, New Survey Finds

Are you a male considering plastic surgery or other cosmetic procedures to improve your appearance? You’re not alone. While many people think that plastic surgery is something seldom done by men, new data shows the opposite, according to research by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. In fact, millennial males are giving the plastic surgery industry quite a boost. In a survey, 31 percent of men who participated said that they were extremely likely to consider cosmetic procedures. A whopping 92 percent of those men were millennials (34 percent of those who answered that they were likely to consider plastic surgery were between 18-24 years of age, and 58 percent were between 25-34 years of age). So why are so many men interested in cosmetic beauty procedures? The most common reason is to feel better about themselves, according to the survey. Other reasons given were to look less tired or stressed, to remain competitive in their career, to please their partner and to find a mate. What about older men interested in cosmetic procedures (the other eight percent)? The most common reason was a lack of hair – 60 percent of older men who participated in the survey said that hair loss bothers them. What is causing men to consider cosmetic procedures more than they used to? Experts point to social media as a factor. Because of the constant selfie-taking and selfie-posting that’s common with millennials, people are starting to be more aware of themselves and how they look. In addition, people are more focused on health, fitness and self-care than they used to be. For help and more information, contact us...

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How Smoking Impacts Your Plastic Surgery Recovery

Posted by on Oct 5, 2017 in Plastic Surgery | Comments Off on How Smoking Impacts Your Plastic Surgery Recovery

When consulting a plastic surgeon on what not to do before any procedure, often one of the first things they will tell you is to drop the smoking habit if you have one. Cigarettes are incredibly harmful to the body and incredibly addictive. However, while cancer later in life isn’t really a plastic surgeon’s business, the major worry about smoking for plastic surgery patients is what it will do to your procedure and your healing process. If you aren’t convinced you should drop smoking completely before your plastic surgery date, perhaps it can help to know what exactly it will affect. Smoking Restricts Blood Flow During Surgery During many procedures, a plastic surgeon will need to go in and divide up blood vessels in the area to limit blood flow. However, they also need to leave enough intact so that the skin will heal. When skin does not get sufficient blood flow, it will not only heal slower, but you risk the tissues dying that can lead to terrible scars. Nicotine restricts the blood flow in the body and because the blood flow is already restricted by the surgery, it dramatically increases the risk of tissue death in the area. Smoking Requires More Medication A June 2015 study led by the European Society of Anesthesiology found that smokers required 33% more anesthesia and 23% more pain medication post-surgery than those who did not. The study literally discovered that smokers feel more pain. Even those exposed to second-hand smoke required more pain medication and anesthesia. This makes treating you during surgery and post-surgery more difficult and, because you require more medication, more expensive. Smoking Prevents Proper Healing The biggest reason that every plastic surgeon will tell you to give up smoking several weeks prior to a surgery is because it can dramatically affect your healing process. Nicotine constricts the blood vessels and can make blood clot more easily, which in itself is dangerous. Not only might you come out with scars because of it, but a blood clot can cause very serious complications. Unfortunately, replacements for cigarettes such as vaping, nicotine gum, or patches are not viable alternatives. It is not the smoke that is bad, it is the nicotine. If you are considering plastic surgery, but are a smoker, we can offer you some advice on quitting so you can get the plastic surgery and the results from it your desire. Contact us today to see what we can do for...

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