Choosing Botox For Excessive Underarm Sweat

Posted by on Nov 2, 2017 in Botox | Comments Off on Choosing Botox For Excessive Underarm Sweat

Do you find yourself sweating through your shirt despite using clinical-strength antiperspirant each day? Then you suffer from hyperhydrosis, or excessive sweating. Everyone sweats from their underarms as their body’s way of cooling itself. It is healthy and natural, but when you produce too much sweat, it goes from healthy to life-impeding. While many will consult doctors for the issue and find treatment that works, for some, the best treatment can actually be Botox.

Most people think of Botox for its uses in treating fine lines and wrinkles, but when injected in the underarms, it can have the benefit of limited the amount that you sweat. When treating fine lines, Botox works by paralyzing the muscles that cause wrinkles to appear in the skin. However, when used to prevent sweating, it actually blocks the secretion of acetylcholine, the chemical which causes sweating. Those with hyperhydrosis produce an excess of this chemical and since when it is around you will continue to sweat until it is depleted, it causes excessive sweating.

When treating excessive sweating with Botox, a doctor will inject 50 unites into each underarm which can keep underarms dry for between 3 to 6 months. Unfortunately, if you exercise frequently or endure high periods of stress during this period, the results will diminish quicker. Typically, because your body does need to sweat, Botox injections in the underarms are the last resort treatment. Those who suffer from excessive sweating should try more topical treatments like prescription antiperspirant or sweat proof clothing first. However, if none of those provide relief, then Botox can be the most effective option.

If you suffer from excessive sweating, then that is a serious cosmetic problem for your life. While plastic surgeons specialize in Botox for wrinkles and other age-related facial issues, we recognize that it has other great medical uses as well. If you suffer from excessive sweating and have tried other options, contact us today to see if our Botox treatments might be a good fit for you.