Partial vs Complete Abdominoplasty: What’s The Difference?

Posted by on Mar 20, 2015 in Abdominoplasty, Plastic Surgery | Comments Off on Partial vs Complete Abdominoplasty: What’s The Difference?

Abdominoplasty (also known as a tummy tuck) is a surgical cosmetic procedure in which excess skin and fat surrounding the lower abdominal region is removed through one or more incisions. This tightens the muscle and connective tissue fibers to create the appearance of a slimmer and more firm abdomen. Abdominoplasty has become a popular procedure sought by both men and women who want to improve the appearance of their stomach.

Most types of abdominoplasty fall under one of two different categories: complete or partial. While the objective is the same in both – to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall – there are subtle nuances between the two that shouldn’t go unnoticed.


Complete Abdominoplasty

In a complete or full abdominoplasty, the surgeon makes an incision above the pubic area, running across the hip. A second incision is made to release the navel from the skin. The surgeon then removes the skin from the abdominal wall to expose the muscle and connective tissue. Using sutures, the surgeon tightens the muscle and connective tissue to the abdominal wall. Depending on the patient and surgeon’s preference, liposuction may be used to further refine the abdominal wall.


Partial Abdominoplasty

A partial or mini abdominoplasty is strikingly similar to the complete abdominoplasty but with one defining characteristic: it involves fewer incisions. The surgeon typically makes a single, small incision  above the public area, at which point he or she removes the exposed excess skin and fat. Next, the surgeon will tighten the muscle and connective tissue, securing it with sutures if needed. Liposuction may also be used in partial abdominoplasty to boost the procedure’s effectiveness.

Because partial abdominoplasty involves fewer incisions, patients tend to heal faster and experience less pain. This makes it a popular choice for men and women who are eager to hit the beach without waiting months for their incisions to heal. As with all surgical procedures, though, healing times vary on a case-by-case basis, and patients should follow their doctor’s post-op care guidelines.


What About Extended Abdominoplasty?

While we’re on the subject, a third type of tummy tuck is an extended abdominoplasty. This is technically a combination of a complete abdominoplasty and a thigh lift. The surgeon performs a full tummy tuck to contour the patient’s abdominal wall, as well as a thigh lift to promote a smoother upper lateral thigh. Having both of these procedures packed into one delivers an even greater enhancement of the patient’s abdominal wall.


If you’re looking to achieve smoother, more defined abs, talk with your plastic surgeon about the benefits of abdominoplasty. Whether it’s complete, partial or extended, this procedure will improve the aesthetics of your stomach.