Two Common Types of Skin Resurfacing

Posted by on Nov 17, 2014 in Skin Resurfacing | Comments Off on Two Common Types of Skin Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing, also known as laser skin rejuvenation, removes layers of skin that have irregularities caused by aging, heredity and sun damage.  For anyone thinking about undergoing a skin resurfacing procedure, they should know there are two common types of laser skin rejuvenation therapies to choose from.

CO2:  CO2 skin resurfacing minimizes the appearance of scars and wrinkles.  It’s also used to reduce the size of pores on the nose and undo damage caused by the sun.  According to Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, CO2 has dominated as the most common form of skin resurfacing technique because of its efficiency at improving photo-damaged skin.

Erbium:  Erbium is designed to remove deep lines and wrinkles on the chest, face and hands.  This type of skin resurfacing is recommended for individuals with deeper skin tones.

Appropriate candidates for this procedure are individuals who are non-smokers in general good health.  For those considering skin resurfacing, it is important to know that skin resurfacing treatments may not be the best option if an individual has a severe case of acne or very dark skin.

If a person decides that skin resurfacing is for them they should schedule an initial consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon.  During the consultation, the doctor will go over the patient’s medical history, discuss the type of skin resurfacing procedure the individual wants, take photographs and go over the potential risks of the procedure.

To learn more about skin resurfacing and to decide which technique may be right for you, contact us.