What Not to Do Before a Liposuction Procedure

Posted by on Nov 16, 2017 in Liposuction | Comments Off on What Not to Do Before a Liposuction Procedure

If you have consulted with your plastic surgeon, then you are likely eager to know what you should do to prepare for having the liposuction procedure done. However, what we forget to ask is what we should avoid doing. A good plastic surgeon will likely go over the basic things to avoid before liposuction, but there might be some things you want to know before you even schedule a liposuction appointment.

Avoid Crash Diets

It might be extremely tempting to try and drop a few pounds before your liposuction appointment just to try to give the results a little nudge. However, it is important to realize that those results don’t need any help. Crash diets are an extremely poor idea before any sort of surgery because it leaves your body weakened from malnourishment and can dramatically slow down your healing process.

Taking Certain Medications

Your plastic surgeon will advise you against smoking before your procedure because it increases the risk of bleeding as well as poor healing. However, it can be the same with some medications. Your doctor will tell you to avoid any pain relievers (aspirin, ibuprofen, ect) as well as advise you to stop taking some birth control pills. However, typically what we forget to mention is any herbal therapies we take. Consult with your plastic surgeon on their safety, or stop taking them until after you are fully healed just to be safe.


You can shave your legs, underarms, or anywhere you are not having liposuction done, but always avoid shaving the surgical area yourself. When done in advance, it can increase the risk of ingrown hairs which will cause complications. If the area needs to be shaved, the plastic surgeon will do it themselves.

Driving Yourself to Your Appointment

If you have never had liposuction before, you may think that it is just a quick in-and-out procedure. While it is quick and relatively painless, you definitely should not drive yourself home after the procedure. You will be fairly tender after it is done so you should plan ahead for someone to drive you home afterwards so you will not be distracted while driving.

While there are more common things to avoid before liposuction, your doctor will go over them at the time of your consultation. However, if you are interested in liposuction or have any more questions, please contact us today.