Posts by dsherbert

Benefits of Getting a Brow Lift

Posted by on Dec 14, 2017 in Facial Surgery, Plastic Surgery | Comments Off on Benefits of Getting a Brow Lift

Getting a brow lift is a great way to improve your appearance and make you look younger. The first benefit of a brow lift is that it makes you appear more cheerful, happy and upbeat. A sagging forehead and wrinkle lines will make you look tired, depressed, stressed out and even upset or irritated. Getting a brow lift will make your face reflect your inner feelings and will make your smile shine. People will feel more comfortable around you. Another benefit is that it makes you look younger. Brow lifts are a great anti-aging procedure. They will remove creases and wrinkles from your forehead. This will give you a more youthful look. A brow lift can also help you improve your vision. Drooping foreheads, eyebrows and eyelids can impair your eyesight but can be fixed with a brow lift. A brow lift will make you feel better about yourself and improve your self-confidence. It can reduce tension in your forehead muscles. It can help improve the placement of your eyebrows. The results last for a long time. Brow lifts can be combined with other surgical procedures. For example, you can do a brow lift and an eyelid lift at the same time. In addition, brow lifts can be customized according to your needs. Endoscopic and mini-lifts are also an option, besides full brow lifts. In order to ensure that no complications, such as scarring or infections, result from your brow lift, it is important to get your lift done by a board-certified plastic surgeon who is a member of various professional medical associations. Contact us today for information on how to Dr. Sherbert can help you with your brow...

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Make Your Own Life Decisions with Breast Reduction Surgery

Posted by on Dec 7, 2017 in Breast Surgery | Comments Off on Make Your Own Life Decisions with Breast Reduction Surgery

In the last several decades, standards of beauty have often been geared towards large breasted women, so many people might not understand why anyone would be considering a breast reduction surgery.  The truth of the matter is that considering a woman’s frame, lifestyle, or even personal preference for body image, some of us are born with more than we ever needed.  This asset to some may become a hindrance to others. Especially if you are a woman with an active, athletic lifestyle, larger breasts might mean requiring more support than smaller-breasted women, as well as pain during activities such as running, climbing, or sports requiring a leaner form.  Pain is often a consideration that can impact your decision, and reducing the size of your breasts can greatly improve your quality of life when you enjoy an active lifestyle. Another reason to consider reduction is how your body type may be limiting your choice in wardrobe.  Fashions rarely cater to extremes, and if your cup size is beyond the scope of what is usually available, you might be seeing your choices limited to more matronly or larger figured styles.  Which can frankly be depressing if the rest of your body is ready for the cuter, smaller sizes, but your breasts are closing the door on most of what is out there. When it comes down to it, it’s all just a matter of preference.  When technology allows for the ability to have a say on what most women for generations just had to suffer through and soldier on, now you can be in full control of the situation. Contact us if you want to take your life back and decide what body type works best for...

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4 Health Benefits of Getting an Abdominoplasty

Posted by on Nov 30, 2017 in Abdominoplasty | Comments Off on 4 Health Benefits of Getting an Abdominoplasty

Getting a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is common after pregnancy or losing a lot of weight. It helps fix loose skin and abdominal muscles. However, tummy tucks have more than just cosmetic benefits. Here are some other health benefits. Less Stress Urinary Incontinence Stress Urinary Incontinence, or SUI, is commonly found in women who have gone through vaginal birth. It’s a bladder control problem that can cause the bladder to empty itself during coughing, sneezing, exercising, or even laughing. SUI is treated without surgery. However, studies have shown that a tummy tuck can provide additional aid in reducing SUI, especially in women who have not had a cesarean section. Better Posture Weakened abdominal muscles can lead to lordosis, also called sway back. It can include slight back pain. A tummy tuck will strengthen your abdominal muscles, which will support your spine and help you obtain a better posture. Hernia Relief Ventral hernias occur when hernia tissue breaks through weak abdominal muscles. To heal these hernias, the muscles need to be strengthened and tightened. This is very similar to abdominoplasty, and the two procedures are often done together. Easier to Stay Fit An abdominoplasty can help you exercise and stay fit. Stronger abs and abdominal muscles can make exercising easier. A weak, drooping, and heavy abdomen can impede on your ability to exercise. Although tummy tucks are not designed as a weight loss procedure, some studies have shown that combining a tummy tuck with such a procedure can help you keep the weight off. For help with getting started, contact us...

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