
Plastic Surgery FAQ: Does a Tummy Tuck Leave Scars?

Posted by on Aug 31, 2017 in Body Contouring, Body Image, Liposuction, Tummy Tuck | Comments Off on Plastic Surgery FAQ: Does a Tummy Tuck Leave Scars?

One prime cause of the apprehension, that some people have about tummy tucks, is the potential scarring. However, this is generally an unfounded fear in most instances. That said, potential patients must understand that any incision will leave a scar. So, it is not so much if you will receive a scar, but more a question of what that scar will look like. Regardless, the goal of every plastic surgeon is to leave behind the most aesthetically pleasing outcome with the least noticeable scar as possible. Nevertheless, there are multiple factors which will determine what your scar will ultimately look like, from your own personal genetics to the skill of the plastic surgeon. Moreover, how well the patient follows postoperative recommendations is vital. So, there is no way to answer what your scar will look like with absolute certainty. However, you can consider how well you have healed with your past surgeries and injuries, and use that knowledge to estimate a future outcome. Does that make sense to you? West Maple Plastic Surgery takes pride in the fact that they use the best surgical techniques and provide comprehensive post-operative home care instructions. So, you can be assured that the outcome of your tummy tuck will include the least amount of scarring as possible. Moreover, the tummy tuck is strategically positioned below the bikini line. So, you will be proud to show off your new look. Ultimately, a tummy tuck procedure will require two incisions. The main incision is horizontal and for the purpose of removing stretch marks and extra skin. The second will secure your belly button in place, helping to return it to a natural shape. That said, it is important that you discuss the placement of these scars before the procedure. You need to be happy with the placement, and you need to convey to the surgeon the importance of the positioning. Moreover, it is a good idea to scrutinize your plastic surgeons before and after portfolio. Do you have questions? What haven’t we covered yet that is important to you? If you would like to talk about a tummy tuck, or a related topic, please contact...

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Can Fat Removed By Liposuction Come Back?

Posted by on Aug 24, 2017 in Liposuction, Tummy Tuck | Comments Off on Can Fat Removed By Liposuction Come Back?

Liposuction is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the United States. By instantly removing the fat from isolated areas, liposuction gives those near immediate results that everyone wants to see. Even fit individual use liposuction to get rid of isolated pockets of fat that just won’t go away no matter how many miles they run per day. However, can the fat removed from liposuction come back? The good news is that the fat removed by liposuction is gone for good. Plastic surgeons use a hollow tube called a cannula and an aspirator, or suction device, to literally suck the fat out from an isolated area, making those pesky fat cells gone for good. The unfortunate bad news is that yes, fat can come back, but only if you let it. The fat will stay off if the patient keeps their post-liposuction weight, meaning the weight they are after the fat was removed. However, if they put on another five pounds, for example, they may see diminished results. When you put on weight, fat cells grow larger as well as new ones form. This means you won’t see a bunch of new fat cells form in the treated area, but the weight will be more distributed throughout your body. If you gain a lot of weight, then yes, new fat cells will form and grow in the treated area. While liposuction can be a great tool to get the body that you want, it is still important to live an active and healthy lifestyle afterwards so you keep that beautiful body strong and slim. If you are looking into liposuction and want to learn more, contact us today. The West Maple Plastic Surgery can go over all facets of every surgery we provide to see that you choose one that it right for your...

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Actions to Take Before Having a Tummy Tuck

Posted by on Aug 17, 2017 in Liposuction, Tummy Tuck | Comments Off on Actions to Take Before Having a Tummy Tuck

Proper preparation before your abdominoplasty surgery can help you have a speedy recovery. There are a few specific things those having a tummy tuck need to take care of in advance. The following is an overview of how to get ready. 1. Provide your medical team with your comprehensive medical history and a list of medications and supplements you currently take. You will need to stop taking hormones (like those common in many birth control methods), supplements such as fish oil and any blood thinning medications including aspirin. You should also cease using tobacco before you have the surgery. 2. You might have your blood taken during your pre-operative visit depending. The doctor will let you know if you need to fast the night before. Inform your physician if you have had problems with any other surgery and if you have ever experienced blood clots. Take the time to ask any questions you have regarding the procedure and recovery. Complete and sign all paperwork for your doctor and insurance carrier. 3. Prepare in advance for your recovery period. Acquire an antibacterial cleanser, cold packs and gauze bandaging. Put a pail or bucket beside your bed in case you become nauseated. Consider what you want to have on hand to entertain yourself while you convalesce. Television, books, puzzles and a laptop will all keep you busy. Arrange for someone to drive you home after your surgery. You might also need a friend or family member to spend a few days looking after you. Help calm any nerves before your tummy tuck by readying yourself for it. Talk with your doctor, follow his recommendations and ready your home for your recovery. Contact us for additional information regarding adominoplasty and other common cosmetic...

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